Journal of Atrial Fibrillation – Journal of Atrial Fibrillation & Electrophysiology (JAFIB-EP)

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Editorial Policy
Conflict of Interest

JAFIB-EP requires all authors to disclose any and all potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest which may include but are not limited to specific financial interest, relationship and affiliations that are relevant to the topic(s) discussed in the manuscript that is been submitted. This can also include employment/affiliation, grants/funding, speaker agreement, consultant, honoraria, ownership of stock in the company, expert testimony, royalties, or patent received/pending.

This policy is not a deterrent for the authors from publishing their work. However, it is the responsibility of the journal to provide scientific integrity to the reviewers and readers. All disclosures will be published with the accepted article. If there are no conflicts disclosed, a statement to that effect will be published in the article.

Each manuscript can use initials for authors to detail the conflict-of-interest statement.

JAFIB-EP does not publish manuscripts funded by the tobacco industry.

Informed Consent

Any study conducted on patients or participants requires an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. This must be included in the "Methods" section of the manuscript. If authors include any patient identifiable details, they must have separate written permission from the patient or family member. These written consents must be maintained by the author and available upon request by JAFIB-EP.

Animal Studies

Any animal study must follow the Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The submitting author must include a statement in the Methods Section regarding the use of laboratory animals.

Research Ethics Policy
Author Responsibilities

Each author listed on the publication for publication in JAFIB-EP acknowledges that they have made a substantial contribution to the publication by the following:

1 – The conception and design of the study

2 – The analysis and interpretation of the results

3 – The writing of the paper

4 – The author has approved the final submitted version of the publication

Each author thus also acknowledges responsibility for the integrity of the manuscript, assures the originality of the manuscript, and guarantees that duplicate or redundant publications or submissions have not occurred. The editors reserve the right to request the original data obtained in the publication. Authors are responsible for all statements made in the text.

Data Sharing Policy

AFIB-EP does not consider the deposition of data, including clinical trial data, in recognized sources to be prior publication. Sharing the full data sets underlying the results enables reuse, reduces research waste, and promotes collaboration. Greater transparency increases trust in research results by allowing results to be independently verified. These benefits lead to a more reliable evidence base for use by clinicians in better care for our patients. Data must contain the following data sharing elements: Date Type, Repository Name, DOI/accession number and Reviewer Token, when available, for confidential review process. Publications involving machine learning are required to provide novel computer script, trained machine learning models, as well as source data used for performance evaluation at a publicly accessible website such as Github or Sourceforge.

Peer Review Process