Journal of Atrial Fibrillation – Journal of Atrial Fibrillation & Electrophysiology (JAFIB-EP)

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Manuscript Overview



JAFIB-EP publishes original articles related to the diagnosis, management and research of cardiac rhythm disorders and other associated conditions. The content of JAFIB-EP is determined by the Editors.

JAFIB-EP, the Publisher, and the Editors of its publications assume no responsibility for the statements expressed by the contributors (and/or authors) of the articles.

The manuscript which is submitted to the journal must not contain previously published material or material under consideration for publication elsewhere. Accepted manuscripts become the property of JAFIB-EP and may not be republished. Use of published manuscripts must be approved by JAFIB-EP editorial team.

All manuscripts will undergo editorial review. A final review and a subsequent decision about publication will be made by a JAFIB-EP editor.

Each author listed on the publication for publication in JAFIB-EP acknowledges that they have made a substantial contribution to the publication by the following:

  1. The conception and design of the study
  2. The analysis and interpretation of the results
  3. The writing of the paper
  4. The author has approved the final submitted version of the publication

Each author thus also acknowledges responsibility for the integrity of the manuscript, assures the originality of the manuscript, and guarantees that duplicate or redundant publications or submissions have not occurred. The editors reserve the right to request the original data obtained in the publication. Authors are responsible for all statements made in the text.

  • The authors should submit the manuscript as a complete file.
  • Submit an electronic version of text (as a MS WORD document), unlabeled and labeled images (such as JPEG or PNG files).
  • The manuscript should be in Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with at least a 2.5 cm/1 inch margin on all sides. Number all pages consecutively, beginning with the title page.
  • There are no restrictions to word counts or number of figures/videos, however in the interest of readers we suggest limiting to 2500 to 3000 words.
  • Prepare a cover letter and the author license form, signed by all authors that will be uploaded with your manuscript and images.
  • Organize the manuscript as follows: title page, abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, references, figure legends, and tables.
  • Separate pages are not required for different sections of the manuscript.
  • Keep acronyms and abbreviations to a minimum. When an abbreviation is used, define it at first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses.
  • Style and Punctuation of References should be from AMA Manual of Style, 11th edition
  • Please submit your manuscript through the online platform along with the COI and licensing form
  • JAFIB-EP is a member of DMCA and strictly adheres to all DMCA policies. Authors are responsible to use proper copyright policies by either giving credit to the source or using only licensed images.
  • ICMJE: Manuscripts must conform to Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations).

Style guidelines are based on those set forth by the AMA Manual of Style, 11th edition.
Variations from guidelines in this publication reflect the individual style of JAFIB-EP.

The author is free to design the article as they wish – an abstract is needed. Submit through the online platform and submit a COI Guidelines for Original Articles should be followed including: references, figures and legends.

Title Page – The following information should be included in the following order.

       Title of article

       Authors first and last name


       Grant support

       Presentation in part of whole at any meeting

       Identification of corresponding author including: name, e-mail address, full mailing address, phone and fax number

Abstract – The abstract is limited to 300 words.

       The abstract should describe the essential aspects of the investigation.

       The first sentence should state the background.

       The second sentence should state the specific purpose or hypothesis.

       The third, fourth and fifth sentences should summarize the methods, results and conclusion.

       No references should be cited in the abstract.

Introduction –

       Include a brief information background that is relevant to the article.

       End with a statement of purpose or hypothesis of the study.

Material and Methods

       The research design, subjects, material used and statistical methods should be included here.

       Do not include results and/or discussion into this section.

       Do not include manufacturers name(s) unless the specific product(s) is important to the procedure(s) performed, in which case include the city and state or country of the manufacturer.

       Indicate that informed consent has been obtained from patients who participated the clinical investigation.

       If animal testing/experimentation, acknowledge that ethical guidelines were followed.

       When appropriate, indicate that approval was obtained from Institutional Review Board (IRB).


       Please include all results based on methods listed.

       If tables and graphs will help with the understanding of the results – include them.

       Cite figures to illustrate the findings of the study.

       Any videos should have a working URL link.


       Begin with limited background information.

       Discuss the results of the investigation in light of what has been published in the past.

       Describe the limitations of your study.

       Provide a potential direction for future research.

       If appropriate cite all figures and graphs.


       Summarize the major findings of the study and their clinical usefulness.

       This paragraph should address the hypothesis or purpose that was stated earlier in the paper.


       These should appear on a separate page.


       This section must be double spaced and begin on a separate page.

       References are numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text.

       Numbers are to be enclosed in [square brackets] in line with the text – not superscript.

       Papers submitted but not yet accepted for publication should also be cited in the text.

       Inclusive page number (e.g. 491-492) must be provided for all references.

       Journal names should be abbreviated according to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

       All authors should be listed in the reference section.

       Examples of Style and punctuation for references:

JAFIB-EP encourages the submission of full-length original articles – it will consider publishing concise case reports. Submit through the online platform and submit a COI.

The case report should be unusually educations and medically important.

       Title Page

       Summary – One hundred and fifty (150) words describing the meaning of the report

       Introduction – 2 or three sentences of background information

       A case description – description of the technique or medical finding

       Discussion – highlighting the educational value of the case or technique

       References – These should be limited to no more than 10 that give essential background material

       Figures and legends

Please use the Original Article as a guideline for the case report

In a brief document describe an observation or interest to our readers, an opinion related to the JAFIB-EP or constructive observations or criticism of published material.

Letters should be no more than two pages and should be submitted with a brief title.

A maximum of four (4) references may be included.

Letters are published at the discretion of the journal and are subject to editing.

Submit through the online platform and submit a COI.

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Instructions: Please submit your case through the online platform and submit a COI. Please take into account the following instructions:

  • Authors: Up to three authors per case.
  • Title: Up to 100 characters. Do not reveal the correct response in the title.
  • Case Presentation: 200 words + 1 (one) single figure (either ECG or EGM).
  • Multiple choice with 5 entries. Avoid “all/none are correct”.
  • Resolution of the case: 500 words, 1 (one) single figure with up to 4 (four) panels. Caption of the figure up to 100 words.
  • References: Up to 3 (three) with one of them being from January 2020 (called “recent reference”).

Quality of the figures:

  • Please submit your figure as JPEG or TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI
  • If you are “re-using” a figure, please present the “permission for reproduction” as a separate document. If you are “modifying” a previously published figure, please indicate this in the caption of the figure and use that manuscript as one of your 3 (three references).